Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yesterday Was the Best Day Ever!

You'll think I'm here to gush about the recent release of Breaking Becky (available now from Liquid Silver Books!). Or maybe I'll talk about my upcoming titles. Nah. That's next week.

Yesterday was the best day ever because my Angry TV Boyfriend took home the gold. Rock of Hell's Kitchen beat out the competition and won his own restaurant! I'm ecstatic -- and not just because this is the first correct reality show prediction I've made. Even though that makes me feel kinda warm and fuzzy. Nope. I'm happy because I knew the angriest chef would win.

I've worked for -- and with -- chefs. One of my dearest friends and her ex-husband are chefs. And while they're great people, they have a drive and energy that's undeniable. Rock may have lost his shit over lobster bisques and garbage duty, but I'm sure he'll hold it together in his kitchen.

And yes, I'll say it now: I definitely smell what Rock is cooking.

As for Gordon Ramsey... Woof! HK and Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares have won me over. If the good-cooking, profanity-spewing hottie keeps it up, I might finally be able to move on from my first TV Chef Boyfriend: Rocco DiSpirito.

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